Number of cards / Units existing as per the Key registers / Tahsildars office procgs. Of allotment of EcsStock Received as per Key RegisterStock distributed as per Issue Register / epos MachineStock available on ground
Category CardsCategory UnitsQuantity in (kgs)Quantity in (kgs)Quantity in (kgs)
S.NoFpShop Number Name of the DistrictName of the Revenue Division Name of the Mandal Name of the village Name of the FP Shop dealer Gender Appointment Number / Authorization Number Date of order / appointment / authorization Authorization Valid upto date Does the Dealer’s photo identity card matches the dealer: FSC AFSC(AAY) Annapurna Total FSC AFSC(AAY) Annapurna Total Whether weights and measures have been Checked and stamped by the Weights and Measures Dept., Inspector (as per rule 14 & 15 of AP Standards of Weights & Measures (Enforcement) Rules, 1986. If so, details FSC Cards - RICE AFSC Cards - RICE Annapurna - RICE Total RICE Qty Wheat in kgs Sugar in Kgs Red Gram in Kgs K.Oil in Lts. FSC Cards - Rice AFSC Cards - Rice Annapurna - Rice Total Rice Qty Wheat in kgs Sugar in Kgs Red Gram in Kgs K.Oil in Lts. FSC Cards - Rice AFSC Cards - Rice Annapurna - Rice Total Rice Qty Wheat in kgs Sugar in Kgs Red Gram in Kgs K.Oil in Lts. Quality of rice supplied Whether the FP Shop open on Time ? Whether the Display Board existing ? Whether the Stock Board existing ? Whether the Commodities and Price Displayed ? Whether the Stock Display properly ? Whether the correct weighment is giving ? Whether the Stock Register maintaining ? Enquired Public (Ration card Number) : Date and Time Audit conducted Suggestions for further improvement: Social Audit Committee Members Name / Id Signature of the “Social Audit Committee” Members Upload Social Audit Information : * Social Audit Category Type
12409013KUMARAMBHEEM ASIFABADASIFABADREBBENANARAYANAPURTANUKU.THIRUPATHIMALE03/RBN/200516-04-201931-03-2021Yes355300385102411301137Yes10230000000000000000157500000000000000000000118052- 13 04-Apr-2023 14-12-58_11zon.pdf 0
22409011KUMARAMBHEEM ASIFABADASIFABADREBBENAGOLETISHANIGARAPU.VIJAYAFEMALE04/RBN/200516-08-201931-03-2021Yes7624076622981802316Yes219800000000000000001800000000000000000000221602-11 (2).pdf 0
32409009KUMARAMBHEEM ASIFABADASIFABADREBBENANAMBALAGOLEM.VIJAYA KUMARIFEMALE02/RBN/200401-06-201831-03-2020Yes397103981179301182Yes11410000000000000000500000000000000000000114602-9_0001_compressed.pdf 0