Food Security Cards Consequent to bifurcation and formation of Telangana State, the Beneficiaries were identified for issue of Food Security Cards covering all priority groups with an objective to provide subsidized food grains and other Essential Commodities to the Eligible households under implementation of the National Food Security Act,2013. The income limit for the elibility of the BPL families (priority households) has been increased for rural areas to Rs.1.50 lakhs and to Rs.2 lakhs in urban areas.The ceiling on holding of land has also been increased to 3.5 acres of wet land and 7.5 acres of dry land However it was specified that income on land will be taken as criteria for issue of BPL cards. Aadhaar SeedingThe entire data of all the persons identified for Food Security Cards has been digitized, seeded with Aadhaar numbers,Aadhaar authenticated and maintained in Public Domain . The seeding of Aadhar through ePDS is helping the department to remove duplicates and cards in the name of non-existing/dead/migrated persons.The National Informatics Center has also provided security measures to keep the information strictly and confidentially . |