PDS Rice | : Rs.1.00 per Kg. |
Social Welfare Hostels | : Rs.1.00 per Kg. |
Antyodaya Anna Yojana | : Rs.1.00 per Kg. |
Annapurna | : Free of Cost. |
WBNP | : Rs.4.00 per Kg. |
SABLA | : Rs.4.00perKg. |
NPNSPE(MDM) | : Free of Cost. |
NGO’s, Charitable Inst.. etc | : Rs.9.00 per Kg. |
JAILS etc.. | : Economic Cost. |

The Corporation has been distributing other essential commodities to the BPL card-holders of Telangana state viz: Wheat, Sugar, Redgram Dall (Fatka quality) & Free-flow Iodized Salt, at the following scale of distribution (Scale subject to change as per govt orders) mentioned below:
S.No | Name of the commodity | Scale of Distribution |
1 | Wheat | 1 Kg |
2 | Sugar | 1 Kg |
Adequate stocks of essential commodities are being positioned at all the MLS Points, to meet the monthly requirement.
GOI allotment under NFSA to the State for distribution under PDS is 3495.770 MTs per month under the scheme Tide-Over Wheat is distributed @ 1 kg in Municipalities & @ 2 kg in Municipal Corporations.
Sugar is supplied only to the AAY cardholders @ 1 kg per card
There are two stages in transportation of PDS commodities for delivery of stocks to the door steps of the Fair Price Shop Dealers. Transportation from FCI godowns/buffer godowns to MLS Points is known as Stage-I transportation and transportation from MLS Points to Fair Price Shops is known as Stage-II transportation.
- District-wise Stage – I Transport Contractors are appointed at Head Office through e-tenders on e-procurement platform for transportation of food grains from FCI godowns/buffer godowns to MLS Points.
- Stage – II Transport Contractors are appointed at District Level through Tender Process by District tender committee with due approval of VC & Managing Director.
- MDM Rice is being transported by stage II tr-contractors upto School points.
GPS Vehicle Tracking System has been introduced in TSCSCL to track the movement of vehicles transporting PDS commodities under stage-I & stage-II transportation system and Kerosene tankers (in two districts) by installing tracking devices in all the vehicles. A command control center has been established at CSC head office to monitor state wide activities. Specific personnel have been appointed by M/s Trans Global Geomatic to assist in monitoring the state wide tracking both at head office and at district level.
- Supply Chain Management is being implemented under end to end computerization of TPDS operations by TSCSCL in MLS Points/Godown space hired by TSCSCL for buffer storage.
- Separate login Id’s have been provided to all the stakeholders of PDS for active participation. (Commissioner, VC & MD, FCI at Central level and at District level all the District Managers , Tahsildars , MLS Point Incharges and Buffer godowns Incharges)
- The real time stock position at each MLS points can be verified online at through specified logins.
- As part of computerization SCM portal has been integrated with e-PDS portal for effective real time flow of information pertaining to PDS.
- All RO-wise transactions (Release Order for issue of commodities from MLS Point to FP shops at mandal level) have been computerised by integration of Mee-Seva portal with e-PDS and SCM portal for real time flow of FP Shop payment details pertaining to lifting of commodities.
Loading and unloading of stocks are undertaken at MLSPoints through the CSC hamalies . The welfare of CSC hamalies is ensured by undertaking various welfare measures such as providing Group insurance coverage, two pairs of livery, sweet box on occasion of dassera, ex-gratia, etc. every year.